Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Spring where are you !?

Like most people in vermont or other states that go below zero , I'm sick of winter . I suppose if I was a person who went skiing I may feel different , I don't . I want to be outside in the fresh air in bare feet with dirty hands from playing in the garden . The other day I was scrolling through some of my favorite garden loving blogs and I actually felt a claustrophobic feeling realizing I couldn't be outside for more than 5 minutes without getting frostbite . So I took a trip to the closest farm store and bought myself some seeds and potting soil . I scrolled through my own garden photos and tried to psych myself up . Very soon it will be spring , pretty soon I won't have to chase children through the house making sure they have their hats, mittens , snow pants , scarves , coats , boots . 
  I can make it ! I will survive !! For now ill plant some seeds , busy myself with teaching myself to crochet ( my new project ) and maybe paint a few pictures .

Friday, June 28, 2013


This week we went on vacation. We stayed in beautiful house on the lake . We swam , we fished and made s'mores by the fire . The weather here has been very rainy so we soaked up as much sun as possible when we could and then watched movies during rain storms. I loved the time with kids and seeing them get up and jump in the lake at 8:30 in the morning was fun . Being away from our home , work and everyday life made me reflect  about things . The things I love about my life and the things I'd like to change . The one thing about life that you can rely on is nothing stays the same . And even though some days are rough  so thankful to have this time with my family.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

End of the school year

it's the end of the school year here. It's so hard to believe that another year has passed , my children are growing so fast . my mother always told me that time seems to pass much faster after the kids are in school , she was so right .
    Justin , our oldest is going into third grade. I vividly remember third grade. Who my friends were, who my crushes were on . I feel myself excited to watch him grow and so sad at the same time. I'm very aware that these days of my life are the best. Even when u feel I'm pulling my hair out with frustration , I wouldn't change a thing. 


It's been a while since I've blogged . life has been busy as usual  with children , work, and life in general . unfortunately I was sick for most of the winter with liver and kidney issues. I feel much better now and after being stuck inside I was very eager for spring !!
this year I decided to try start seeds under a grow light system . I checked out the web and various blogs I followed determined to find a DIY version after seeing these systems can cost up to $500.00 . my husband built me a very simple system using shop lights . the difference in my seedlings was huge versus just starting them in a sunny window like I had always done .
    as the ground thawed I started to think about getting truck loads of soil and manure like I had in the past . I wanted to expand my gardens and figured I was going to have to spend about $400.00 . I started talking to friends and was lucky enough to have a friend who had horses. She delivered a huge truck load of composted manure for me for free. I don't know anyone who gets as excited about free horse poop than me lol.
     my daughter lily and my son jayden ages 8 & 4 are my biggest outdoor helpers , we shoveled and trucked wheelbarrows  full of manure to our new garden areas . we've had a lot of rain so far this season but my gardens are still doing great ! I'm going to make it point to post updates this summer on the progress.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Shining star

Recently I found a little project for my husband , I like to keep him on his toes :) I got this fun easy idea over at this blog , here's a link http://www.littlebitfunky.com/2012/11/20-minute-crafter-make-giant-star-for.html
such a cute idea , I love how simple and cheap it was to make !